Two young Italians without means of transportation simulated fainting last Sunday so that an ambulance could take them to their destination, filming and spreading their imposture on social networks, the Carabinieri announced on Friday.

In a single day, her TikTok video went viral, surpassing 50,000 views. The caption that accompanies the images, “When you’re in the countryside and there’s no public transportation,” leaves little doubt about the misleading nature of the event.

From the first seconds of the video, one of the protagonists launches with a bravado tone: “We are lost in the middle of the campaign, and now we solve the problem.” They contact the emergency services, to which they state that one of them has fainted from heat stroke, while they laugh at the situation.

All stages of his imposture were filmed, from the call to his ambulance trip to the spa town of Riccione in Emilia-Romagna (northeast).

According to the Italian agency ANSA, their trip ended in the ER, where they left after a few minutes.

The two young men, aged 19 and 20, were identified thanks to their video by the Riccione gendarmes. After the complaint filed by the Emilia-Romagna health agency, they were prosecuted for “interruption of public service” and “false alarm”.

One of the protagonists has admitted his mistake to the local newspaper ‘Il resto del Carlino’: “I’m an idiot, I shouldn’t have done that”.

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