Judges and prosecutors have demanded this Friday that the Government approve in the Council of Ministers the salary increase agreed at the remuneration table before the general elections of 23-J.

In a joint statement, signed by the associations that reached said remuneration agreement, the Francisco de Vitoria Judicial Association (AFJV), Judges for Democracy (JJpD), the Independent Judicial Forum (FJI), the Association of Prosecutors (AF), the Progressive Union of Prosecutors (UPF) and the Professional and Independent Association of Prosecutors (APIF), demand that the Government urgently address the agreements reached in the document signed on May 23 and that it do so before the general elections are held.

“This agreement was collected in writing, it was signed on May 23 and forced the Council of Ministers to approve its content, which has not happened to date. The electoral advance, which has shortened the duration of the legislature, to our judgment obliges the National Government to meet this commitment and do so urgently, so that its forecasts are effective on the agreed dates,” the statement reads.

In addition, the different groups of judges and prosecutors – the only one that does not subscribe to it is the majority Professional Association of the Magistracy – issue the following warning in case of breach of the acquired commitment. “Otherwise, it will force the signatories not only to demand compliance with a clearly binding agreement before the courts, but also to adopt the pressure measures that are necessary to ensure that the commitments reached to improve both the professional conditions of the judiciary and the and prosecutor’s office as well as the administration of justice”, they add.

Two months ago, the Executive, after several meetings of the Remuneration Board, undertook to increase by 46.7 million euros the item destined to the salary of the judicial and fiscal career. It is a linear increase in salary of between 440 euros and 450 euros for judges and prosecutors depending on the destination in which they are. In exchange for reaching this pact, the different groups of judges and prosecutors called off the indefinite strike that they had called for on May 16.

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