Since the new paternity of Bertín Osborne at 69 years of age jumped this Wednesday, all the programs and journalists of the social chronicle want to get the statements of the presenter and singer of rancheras.

The day the news broke, the presenter of Mi casa es la tuya went live on the Sonsoles Ónega program, on Antena 3, to show his anger at the information that was being given about his ex-partner’s pregnancy.

Today, however, it has been a team from El Programa de Ana Rosa who has had to face a new anger from Bertín Osborne. Rocío Romero, editor of the program, and a cameraman were at the gates of the singer’s farm in order to try to get a statement from him.

However, instead of Bertín Osborne, a friend of the artist went out to meet the journalist who very politely asked them to leave and confirmed that the businessman was not going out so that they would not be hot on a day of high temperatures in Seville.

The team of El Programa de Ana Rosa has preferred to continue at the presenter’s home doors since there was no other place from which they could make the connection. A few minutes later, two National Police patrols entered the Bertín Osborne farm.

“They have opened the door for them and they have been talking, gesturing a lot, with a farm worker. A few minutes later, those policemen have come out to evict us from the door of their house,” the journalist said, explaining that Bertín “called the police” to kick them out because, according to the singer’s version, the land prior to access to his farm, where Ana Rosa’s team was located, is “his private property”.

“He says that we are violating it and that we cannot be here. So the Police have evicted us from that place,” the reporter explained to Joaquín Prat and Patricia Pardo. “It can be seen that Bertín is upset, he is very uncomfortable with our presence here and has taken action on the matter and has called the Police to get us out of here,” she stated next.

Joaquín Prat then confirmed that indeed the previous access to the farm is private property and asked the team to leave the place since since they could not be in that access they had to follow the broadcast from the road.

For her part, Patricia Pardo has not been so understanding and has expressed her surprise at the “behavior” of the presenter who previously “respected” the work of the press and even had details of giving “beer and food” to fellow journalists.

This Wednesday after the news was published, Beatriz Cortázar spoke with the artist, who assured that “he is not a wanted or desired child.” Apparently, Bertín and Gabriela are not experiencing the pregnancy together and have even been apart for a while.

Gabriela and the popular presenter met in April 2022 during an advertising campaign for El Capote, a clothing brand of which Bertín has been the image for many years. The businesswoman has an aesthetic clinic in Madrid with two locations called MGG Beauty.

Actually, the presenter has never confirmed the relationship and, in fact, when he spoke about her after it was published that they were in a relationship, he said that she was “a special friend like I have many other special friends. She is charming, nice and very pretty. I have seen eight or ten times and has been at my house in Seville with friends on two or three occasions. Period and that’s it”.

But the reality is that Gabriela has been to Bertín’s Sevillian estate on many more occasions than two or three and they have even shared events together, such as the April Fair or the recent birthday of the Turronero where, in addition, they coincided with Fabiola.

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