This Thursday, July 13, the Palais-Bourbon is deserted. The LR deputies are conspicuous by their absence, the macronist Prisca Thévenot puts her mail in envelopes and the Insoumis Manuel Bompard – in particular – taps on his laptop. It was in this sparse Chamber that LFI MP Andy Kerbrat defended amendment 1056 so that “the locking up” is “done according to the convicted person’s declared gender identity, regardless of the indicated gender. civil status at the time of conviction”.

In other words: a person born male – but who calls himself female – could be transferred to a women’s prison on the basis of this statement alone. In the summary statement, the LFI group goes on to write that “the vast majority of transgender people do not belong in prison. Yet they find themselves there.”

Between a few quotes from Balzac on the “third sex” and the “aunts’ quarter”, Andy Kerbrat frontally criticized the majority. “I remind you that the president of your group received the two most eminent transphobes in this country,” he accused, referring to Dora Moutot and Marguerite Stern, vilified by a whole section of feminists.

In a column published on July 7 in L’Express, they expressed their concern about the amendment of LFI which would allow that “any rapist or killer of women could declare themselves a woman overnight – even if he doesn’t suffer from gender dysphoria, even though he’s not trans – and finds himself serving his sentence among women”.