Little or no change on the side of Emmanuel Macron and Élisabeth Borne – always unpopular -, a strong progression of the headliners of the right (LR, RN and Reconquête! included) and a decline of the left, all tendencies confused. Our Ipsos-Le Point barometer confirms a strong demand for order and authority in public opinion after the nights of violence in the neighborhoods.

“This progression of the right and the far right is unprecedented,” comments Pierre Latrille, opinion group leader at Ipsos Public Affairs. Favorable winds which do not however benefit Laurent Wauquiez, who remained discreet during the crisis. Former Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, also in the background, still retains first place in the table.

The ministers on the front line in the management of the riots are clearly prospering: Gérald Darmanin (4) and Éric Dupond-Moretti (2), who have taken a firm line on both the security and judicial response. The Minister of the Interior, campaigning for Matignon, is reinforced for his management of the riots and goes from 18th to 7th place in the ranking, with 28% of favorable opinions. He notably benefits from a better appreciation on the side of RN sympathizers, up 14 points.

Mirroring this, the left is suffering hard from the crisis, from Jean-Luc Mélenchon (-3) to Fabien Roussel (-4) and even François Hollande (-9). “Left-wing personalities were identified negatively, despite having very different attitudes. It’s very striking, ”analyzes Pierre Latrille.