It could be the first crime committed in space, and NASA is investigating it. The story is reported by the American daily the New York Times. Astronaut Anne McClain is charged with impersonation and improper access to his ex-wife’s financial records from the International Space Station (ISS) where she was on a six-month mission, according to the headline new- yorkers.

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Anne McClain’s former spouse, Summer Worden, filed a complaint this year with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), an independent agency, after learning that Anne McClain had accessed their joint bank account without her permission. Summer Worden’s family has also filed a complaint with the NASA Inspector General, according to the newspaper.

Anne McClain’s lawyer says his client did nothing wrong and accessed the bank accounts while on the ISS to monitor the couple’s joint account, which she was doing during their relationship.

Investigators from the US space agency have contacted the two women, according to the New York Times. Summer Worden said the FTC hasn’t responded to the spoofing, but a specialist investigator and NASA’s Inspectorate General are looking into the charge, according to The New York Times.