Russia has reacted with disgust to a summit that is held too close to its borders and in which the entry of another neighbor: Sweden, has been confirmed. But above all because the allies are going to provide Ukraine with more and better weapons. The messages return that all these decisions can trigger another world war.

It has been once again the former president Dimitri Medvedev, current number two of the National Security Council of Russia, the one who has given the most strident note. He criticized a “completely crazy West”, which is leading “the situation to a dead end”. He assured that ‘World War III is getting closer’

After the 2022 invasion, kyiv has maintained that it needs all the help it can get from the West to roll back what it presents as a war of conquest of Russia. On the table is finally an international framework that would pave the way for long-term security guarantees for Ukraine to increase its defenses against Russia and deter Moscow from further aggression.

But Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskov believes that security guarantees for Ukraine would be a mistake, because they would be ignoring the international principle on the indivisibility of security: “By providing guarantees to Ukraine, they would be affecting the security of the Russian Federation.” .

After learning of Kiev’s progress in Vilnius, Putin’s spokesman said that “it is impossible for Moscow to tolerate anything that threatens its own security”, so these concessions “will make Europe much more dangerous for many years to come”.

But at the same time, some pro-Kremlin voices gloated from the start of the summit over the fact that NATO made it clear to Ukraine from the outset that it could join only “when conditions are met”, without going so far as to name an exact date or conditions. .

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said NATO’s refusal to materialize Ukraine’s entry is a lesson. Zakharova believes that the West invented its own rules of the game to suit its agenda. “This is the rule-based order invented by Westerners.”

Moscow frequently intersperses messages of discouragement towards Ukraine, predicting that it will never join NATO, with waves of alarm at the imminent possibility of Ukraine joining NATO, gesticulations that in turn serve as justification for the destruction and annexation of parts of the country.

“In the end, Kiev was shown its place: serve as expendable material, destroy its soldiers for NATO with no guarantees of NATO membership, and generally keep its distance from the alliance for now because Ukraine clearly reeks of war.” nuclear power plant in which real Europeans will die,” said Konstantin Kosachyov, deputy chairman of Russia’s upper house of parliament.

Hours after the voices most devoted to the regime from Moscow congratulated the lack of progress in Ukraine, the Kremlin itself sounded the alarm at the granting of security guarantees to Ukraine. As on previous occasions, no government spokesperson explained what exactly the Russian reaction to this new red line will consist of.

Ukraine has been pushing for quick membership while fighting a Russian invasion. Swallowing his initial disappointment at the lack of a clear term for his membership, the Ukrainian president proclaimed that the Ukrainian delegation was coming home with a “major security victory for Ukraine.” And once again, Russia, which maintains that NATO’s eastward expansion is an existential threat to its own security, lashed out at the West’s engagement with Ukraine.

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