Thuringian nursing homes had to struggle with sometimes devastating corona outbreaks last winter. The situation is more relaxed in summer – but the numbers are already picking up again.

Weimar (dpa/th) – The number of corona infections in Thuringian nursing homes has more than doubled within a month. A total of 249 residents and 162 employees had tested positive as of Wednesday, according to the state administration office, to which the home supervision is attached. 84 homes were affected by outbreaks. Four weeks earlier (June 22), significantly fewer people were infected, namely 109 residents and 69 employees in 38 homes.

However, the numbers are still well below those in the peak phases of the delta wave. In December 2021, for example, there were corona infections in over 700 residents and 400 employees. At that time, more than 250 seniors died within four weeks from or with Corona. Again and again there were devastating outbreaks, sometimes with dozens of deaths in individual homes. In the four weeks now under consideration, a total of five nursing home residents died in connection with Corona.

In total, the state administration office has recorded 2333 deaths in connection with Sars-CoV-2 in Thuringian nursing homes since the beginning of the pandemic – that was more than every third death in the Free State. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), people over 80 years of age continue to be most affected by severe disease progression.