The climate crisis is frightening and has long been occupying the cities in the southwest. You have to think about new concepts and more climate protection. There should also be clear examples of this at the annual general meeting of the city council.

Heidelberg (dpa / lsw) – What to do to counteract climate change – that is also the subject of the general meeting of the Baden-Württemberg City Council. From Thursday (1 p.m.) around 500 mayors, mayors and local councilors will meet to discuss measures under the motto “City makes climate – shape change”. Actually, more local politicians are usually represented at the general meeting – but many could not attend this time because of Corona, said a spokeswoman for the city council. There is no live stream from the event.

Topics of the two-day event with lectures, workshops and excursions include “Municipalities on the way to climate neutrality”, “On-site energy transition” and “Urban districts of the future”. Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) is also scheduled to speak on Friday, as well as City Council President and Mannheim City Hall chief Peter Kurz (SPD). Afterwards there will be a panel discussion on the topic of climate change with, among others, the Baden-Württemberg parliamentary group leaders of the CDU, the SPD and the Greens.