The home of the president of Paris Saint-Germain, Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, was searched on Wednesday, July 5, in the investigation into the accusations of kidnapping, kidnapping and torture in Qatar of a Franco-Algerian lobbyist.

“The investigating magistrate requested additional information and access, which was provided to him completely and transparently, in full cooperation with the authorities, as has been the case from the start”, reacted to Agence France -Presse (AFP) a spokesman for the president of PSG, confirming information from Mediapart. Asked by AFP, one of Nasser Al-Khelaïfi’s lawyers did not wish to comment immediately.

This search carried out by the judicial police took place within the framework of a judicial investigation opened at the end of January after the filing by the lobbyist Tayeb Benabderrahmane, 42, of a complaint with a civil action – procedure which makes it possible to obtain almost systematically the opening of a judicial investigation.

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In this complaint, Mr. Benabderrahmane denounces his arrest in January 2020 in Qatar, where he had settled three months earlier to lobby. He claims to have been sequestered for six months and to have been questioned by local officers, in particular on documents which he would hold, potentially compromising for the Qatari boss of PSG Nasser Al-Khelaïfi. He then says that he was placed under house arrest and then finally authorized to leave Qatar in November 2020, after signing a confidentiality protocol in which he undertook not to disclose these documents.

Nasser Al-Khelaïfi’s lawyers announced in April their intention to file a defamation suit against the lobbyist.

Last week, the town hall of the 7th arrondissement of Paris led by former minister Rachida Dati (LR) and the offices of lawyers Francis Szpiner, Olivier Pardo and Renaud Semerdjian were also searched in this case.