The popular María José Sáenz de Buruaga has achieved this Monday the inauguration as president of Cantabria, the first in the history of the autonomous community, thanks to the abstention of the PRC. Buruaga has had to wait for the second vote to achieve it, by simple majority, after last Friday she did not obtain the absolute majority necessary to achieve it in the first vote.

In the new plenary session, an appeal has been made to each of the 35 deputies to state their position aloud, and they have maintained their positions unchanged: 15 votes in favor (PP); 8 abstentions (PRC), and 12 against (PSOE and Vox).

The proclamation of Sáenz de Buruaga as president of Cantabria took place around 4:40 p.m. After achieving the investiture, the candidate has received applause and congratulations from her fellow party members and also from others, and once the plenary session has concluded, she has not been able to avoid tears.

In her last speech before becoming president of the community, Sáenz de Buruaga has assured that she is “prepared” to lead a Government of Cantabria “open to everyone’s contributions” and that will focus the next four years on “joining the forces of All society”. And she has remarked: “Cantabria we are all”.

He has also thanked the regionalists for their “high vision” by abstaining after signing an investiture agreement that, he has repeated, is “pure common sense and institutional loyalty” since it facilitates a lone PP government that promotes the “change” that Cantabrians have been elected at the polls.

In addition, Sáenz de Buruaga has addressed the general secretary of the PRC and until now president of Cantabria, Miguel Ángel Revilla, to convey to him the “respect” that a person who “has dedicated his life to public service with passion and dedication, deserves. the resignations and the effort that this entails”. In this sense, he has valued the work that Revilla has done to “give visibility and projection” to Cantabria.

Sáenz de Buruaga has also addressed Vox to, once again, ask it -if successful- to support his investiture after opposing it in the first vote on Friday, and in which she was not elected president because she needed an absolute majority, unlike today, when, based on the regulations, a simple majority is enough. “I encourage you to take the correct photograph”, Buruaga has transferred to the four deputies of the formation of Santiago Abascal, asking them to enter “positively” in a legislature in which, by governing in a minority, the PP is going to have to ” talk and share a lot” with them.

“Truth, honesty and work” are the words with which Sáenz de Buruaga has defined her future management as president of a Government of “progress, future and opportunities” and that “counts on everyone”, developing a “deeply social” program and solidarity”. “I want to be the president of all”, she insisted, offering again “sensibleness and seriousness”, in addition to “dialogue and listening to moderation”, aware that she will need agreements with the rest of the groups in the House when governing in a minority . Thus, she has assured that she will continue “building bridges and looking for agreements”, since she considers that “it is time to unite and overcome blocks and trenches”.

Buruaga, born on June 4, 1968 in Suances, has a law degree from the University of Cantabria and has been dedicated to politics for 28 years, much of this time exclusively. In 1995 she was elected a PP councilor in the Suances City Council and from 1996 to 2010 she was president of the Popular Party in that municipality where, in addition, as a councilor she served as municipal spokesperson until the 2007 elections.

In 1999, in addition to being a municipal candidate, she was elected regional deputy, which made her choose to dedicate herself exclusively to politics. She has been a deputy since then and has served as a spokesperson for different areas. From 2011 to 2015 she was Vice President of Cantabria and Minister of Health and Social Services in the Government chaired by Ignacio Diego.

María José Sáenz de Buruaga has been the autonomous secretary of the Popular Party since the IX Congress held by the Cantabrian PP in November 2004 and on March 25, 2017 she was proclaimed president of the Popular Party of Cantabria at the 12th Autonomous Congress and re-elected at the 13th Autonomous Congress.

She was an autonomous candidate of the Popular Party for the Presidency of Cantabria in the autonomous elections of 2019 -after the resignation of Ruth Beitia to be one- and of 2023, being in the latter her list the most voted for, obtaining 15 of the 35 deputies of the Cantabrian hemicycle .

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