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The signs are clear: covid cases are returning to our area. Is this a new trend? “Yes, there is a new wave in Savoie. It has been confirmed for three consecutive weeks,” says Dr Emmanuel Forestier of the Savoie metropolitan Hospital Center in Chambery.

Savoie has a rate of 528 cases per 100,000 residents, which is slightly lower than the national average. However, it is in the “clear acceleration” phase of the spread.

There are many cases but not many serious ones. Twenty patients are currently in hospital and there have been no deaths. This “confirms the effectiveness” of vaccination against serious infections. “. “We don’t worry about the hospital’s functioning and are very far from saturation. But as summer approaches, our health system will be in great trouble. It is essential to keep a low number of sick people and curb this new wave.

“Vaccination is the best option. You must get three injections or equivalent, the fourth dose for anyone over 65 and the 80s for people with serious health issues and the fifth dose for people at very high risk. Also, wear a mask when you are in close quarters where there are people (transport). If you have symptoms or are at high risk, it is important to get the Pax Lovid treatment as soon as possible. It must be administered within five days of the onset of symptoms.