Garmisch-Partenkirchen (dpa/lby) – The damage compensation office set up especially for the G7 summit at the Garmisch-Partenkirchen district office has so far received five reports of possible damage. However, not a single written application has been received, said the spokesman for the district office, Stephan Scharf, on Tuesday at the end of the meeting of the heads of state and government at Elmau Castle.

A smeared fence was reported at the beginning of the summit. There are also two reports of a professional ban, one of which came from a flight school. Hobby pilots had to stay on the ground during the summit days. From Saturday noon to Tuesday night, flights with visual flight rules were banned within a radius of 56 kilometers around Elmau. Hang gliders and paragliders, for example, fly according to visual flight rules, but so do sports planes and gliders.

According to Scharf, there were also two reports of crop damage on agricultural property. “This is now being checked on site.” Representatives of the damage compensation agency, including a member of the Bavarian Farmers’ Association, were consulted. It was initially unclear whether the damage was caused by police officers, demonstrators or others.

“Of course there were also calls from people who had closed their shops,” said Scharf. Argument: no customers, no sales. But there is no compensation for this.