Corona, war and everyday stress: it’s not easy to switch off and get a good night’s sleep. More than a third of the population does not get enough rest. Sleep researcher Hans-Günter Weeß knows a few tips that should help.

According to the renowned sleep researcher Hans-Günter Weeß, many Germans could improve the quality of their sleep with simple measures. “Instead of exercising late or eating heavy meals, you should retire about an hour before you go to sleep,” said the head of the interdisciplinary sleep center in Klingenmünster in the Palatinate.

Many people do not manage to “release” themselves in the evening and to relax in a way that promotes sleep. With reference to studies by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Weeß said that a significant proportion of Germans sleep poorly. “Six to ten percent have sleep disorders that require treatment. We assume that an additional third of the population has restless sleep.”

Weeß complained about an increasing “non-stop society” in Germany, in which everyone can be reached around the clock. “Emails are even answered in bed. A constant standby mode. You lie in wait: ‘Is there anything left to do?’ This is particularly common among young people,” said the author (“Sleep works wonders”).

Weeß expressed understanding that people complained about poor sleep because of the corona pandemic or the Ukraine war. “When we worry, we sleep poorly. That’s normal. That’s when we should dedicate ourselves to beautiful things that also exist and that stabilize us emotionally,” emphasized the sleep researcher.

On hot nights, Weeß advises avoiding alcohol and taking a warm shower and warm drinks before going to bed. “We need a falling body core temperature for sleep, which we achieve by heating the surface of the skin. And when it comes to bed linen, you should use cotton instead of synthetic fabrics.”