7.9 percent! The last time the inflation rate in Germany was as high as in May was almost 50 years ago. The purchasing power of consumers is falling and increasing the pressure to pay more attention to money. You can read here which providers are recommended in terms of costs and prices.

Inflation is rampant. The energy and food sectors in particular are currently the price drivers. Especially now, no one wants to pay more than is absolutely necessary when shopping or concluding a contract. Favorable prices or low costs are therefore an important decision-making criterion for consumers.

That’s why the German Institute for Service Quality (DISQ) was looking for the savings champions again this year. For this purpose, the price level of 90 companies was determined and evaluated. The basis was formed by 7265 price data from 42 DISQ studies. In some categories, current price data was also collected due to high volatility, for example from gas and electricity providers. The evaluation “Germany’s savings champions 2022” shows which providers continue to offer attractive offers.

Markus Hamer, Managing Director of the German Institute for Service Quality, explains the evaluation: “The DISQ carries out numerous comprehensive studies in which prices and conditions are also analyzed and evaluated, because good service should not be an expensive luxury. Only companies that prove to be reasonably priced over the long term deserve the award of the Savings Champion.”

“Germany’s savings champions 2022” include companies such as Buchbinder (car rental company), Vattenfall (electricity provider), Pÿur (triple-play provider), Ibis Budget (budget hotels), Santander (online banking with branch banks), Vodafone (Internet provider) and Mobil in Germany (automobile clubs).

The German Institute for Service Quality aims to improve service quality in Germany. The market research institute based in Hamburg carries out independent competition analyzes and customer surveys for this purpose. Over 2000 trained testers are deployed throughout Germany. A team of sociologists, economists and psychologists is responsible for managing the research projects, which use scientifically recognized methods and service measurement procedures. The Institute provides consumers with important information for their purchasing decisions. Companies gain valuable information for their own quality management.