Fynn Kliemann admitted mistakes in the affair surrounding his mask business. But now the inventor sees himself as the victim of an intrigue. What that means for his “Kliemannsland” is the subject of this edition of the ntv podcast “Ditt

At the beginning of May this year, the investigative team led by satirist Jan Böhmermann published alleged dubious machinations by bon vivant and internet star Fynn Kliemann. The entrepreneur, who pretends to be a free spirit and “different”, is said to have done business with masks that he had produced in Bangladesh and Vietnam instead of – as stated – in Europe. He gave away thousands of masks of inferior quality to refugee homes and had his alleged social commitment publicly celebrated.

After the allegations of fraud became known in the ZDF program “Neo Magazin Royale”, the inventor showed remorse. But returning to “business as usual” is proving difficult. Because his “Kliemannsland” has broken down the cooperation. It is threatened with closure. The adventure country’s namesake is now scolding reporters and the media and is particularly harsh on the “woken left-wing scene”. The accusation: They want to “break” him, his projects and the many employees behind them.

In the new edition of the ntv podcast “Ditt