Dresden (dpa/sn) – Saxony wants to make its water supply crisis-proof in the long term and thus also make provisions for times of drought. “We have to harden the supply system,” said Environment and Agriculture Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) of the German Press Agency in Dresden. Among other things, the network system between the dams must be expanded in order to be able to compensate for regional water deficits. Saxony gets about 40 percent of its drinking water from its reservoirs. The rest comes from the bank filtrate of rivers and from groundwater. According to Günther, the situation is tense, but not yet comparable to the drought year 2020. Due to the comparatively wet winter, there is now more water in the deeper soil layers. “That is currently concealing the situation. But the situation can quickly change.” Even in 2020, no restrictions had to be imposed on consumers. The minister assumes that this will not happen again this year. “Nevertheless, our appeal to consumers to save water remains.”