The more expensive and scarce energy is, the more it is worth reducing consumption. Smartphone apps can help to find energy guzzlers, heat more efficiently and live more sustainably. presents five recommended applications.

Energy costs are rising and rising, and there is even a risk of supply bottlenecks in winter after Russia is once again supplying less gas. Given the high prices and dependence on Moscow, it is worth trying to reduce consumption as much as possible, even if it is just a little. At the same time, you are investing in the future and making a contribution to stopping climate change.

Saving energy is often not that difficult or complicated, it is usually sufficient to get an overview, to recognize possibilities or to change habits. Apps can be of practical help. viewed the offer and selected five recommended smartphone applications for saving energy.

The climate protection initiative CO2-online has been offering the free energy check for Android and iOS since 2011. The main purpose of the app is to get an overview of the consumption of electricity, heating and water by allowing meter readings to be recorded and continuously evaluated.

Diagrams show how consumption develops over weeks, months and years. You can also enter changes, for example to the heating system. You can then see how they affect consumption. In addition, CO2-online offers to collect the data in an energy saving account, which is also free of charge, which enables an even more detailed analysis.

With the data collected, it is also possible to carry out energy-saving checks from cooling to modernization. For example, you can find out where your power consumption and costs are compared to average households. Below are tips for improvement.

The iOS version of the energy check in particular is not a treat to look at. For iPhone users, the Energy Tracker is a good alternative that is similarly functional but prettier. In addition, they can take out subscriptions with useful extras. In the Play Store, the corresponding German app is called EHW.

If you want to know how much the ancient refrigerator costs per year and how much you could save with a new device, you can install the energy cost calculator (iOS) or the electricity cost calculator (Android). Both applications are free.

This is not rocket science, but a simple help for math normals. You enter the consumption in watts, enter the duration of use and the electricity price and at the end you know the electricity costs and energy consumption.

The electricity cost calculator is a few years old, but because it has a very simple structure, it still works without any problems on Android 12.

If you want a new device, it is important to buy one with the lowest possible power consumption. This can be seen from the so-called energy label based on the letters A to G and a color gradient from green to red. With the free app of the same name from the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (iOS/Android), you can keep track of things.

In store, you can use the application to scan a product’s QR code and get more technical information. The Label-Lotse gives energy-saving tips and other advice in individual device categories. Checklists help to find the right product even before you buy it. Users can create watch lists and pass the time with an informative energy quiz.

If you not only want to save money, but generally want to lead a more sustainable life, Earnest is a good choice. The app is available for free in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. It is important to the developers not to work with a raised index finger, but to encourage a smaller ecological footprint in an informative and entertaining way.

There are lots of tips on numerous categories from consumer behavior and leftovers to travel or mobility. Under the keyword “cooking” you can find out, for example, how to prepare food as energy-efficiently as possible with gas or various electric stoves. Especially important in times of drought like these: Earnest also provides numerous tips and instructions for saving water.

You can have tasks set, win bonuses and trophies, take a quiz or be coached with a likewise free account in order to achieve set goals. There are instructions, analyzes and much more.

The Energy Buddy (Android/iOS) combines some functions of the previously mentioned apps. With a very nice design, you can record meter readings or electrical devices, analyze and calculate your energy consumption and determine your personal CO₂ footprint using a questionnaire. You can then create a weekly or annual climate plan, for example, to improve your carbon footprint. In addition, the Energy Buddy offers games, news and other information