“Cameron (Woki), it’s not there. Matthieu (Jalibert), I don’t see it. Christophe Urios posted his executives to RMC Sport after the defeat of Bordeaux Begles in Perpignan (22-15) June 5.

The UBB coach had identified the third line Woki as well as the opener Jalibert, and they both passed through BourgoinJallieu (2005–2007).

The top 2 had been ejected due to the failure of the UBB on Catalan soil. The Girondins were forced to play-off in order to achieve their goal: reaching the semi-finals at the Top 14.

The Sunday play-off against Racing92 saw 36-16 responses from both parties. Cameron Woki, the author of the fourth Bordeaux essay put his finger up. He said, “I think everybody understood,” and he then slipped into Canal’s microphone.

Matthieu Jalibert added another layer to the mix: “This week it was tense. As you can see, statements were made by our manager and targeted players. It’s not our goal to play for Christophe (“Urios”), but I do want to clarify. We are just here to help the players.

Christophe Urios is well-known for his media trips. He described his strategy after the meeting. “This week, we had to revolt. I took an unbelievable risk. It was a first for me. This was the first time I had ever had to coach a group. He also signaled the end to recess. “You need to be careful. The boss is me. Me, I know exactly where I want to go in Bordeaux. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll quit.

The semi-final against Montpellier on Saturday at 9:05 p.m. is expected to be as intense in this environment.