The Trump family’s Minister of Justice and a number of other advisers were present Monday to provide a disturbing timeline detailing how Donald Trump attempted to remain in power following his defeat in the 2020 presidential election.

“Even before his election, Mr. Trump decided that regardless of the facts, if he won the election, he’d claim that it was rigged.” Zoe Lofgren, a Democrat member of the commission that seeks to expose the role of the Republican billionaire in the assault on the United States Congress by his support, January 6, 2021.

In a 12-page press statement, the ex-president denounced the “travesty” and repeated his false allegations of fraud regarding the 2020 election. This comedy (…) aims to distract the public away from the truth (…), which is that millions of Americans arrived in Washington on January 6, 2021 to hold their elected officials responsible for clear signs of criminal activity during election day. Despite numerous evidence to the contrary, Donald Trump writes this document.

This group of elected officials, who had spent nearly a year investigating the matter, presented a detailed account of the maneuvers of former President between the night of the presidential election in November and the storming at the Capitol.

Just hours after the polls close on November 3, 2020, Joe Biden was tied with Donald Trump. In testimony broadcast by the Commission Monday, Ivanka Trump, Ivanka’s daughter and former president, said that it was becoming obvious that the election wouldn’t be decided that night. Just before 2:30 AM, Donald Trump appeared on American television, from the White House living room. He says that “Honestly, the election was won”, despite the fact that the count is still being completed.

It was too soon to make such a decision.

Before the assembled officials, Donald Trump’s campaign manager Bill Stepien stated, “It was way too early to make that kind of decision.” The only one to support the president’s approach that evening was Rudy Giuliani. Rudy Giuliani was the president’s personal lawyer. According to one of his advisers, he was “clearly drunk”.

Joe Biden was declared winner on November 7, 2020 just before 11:11 a.m. Donald Trump’s campaign manager also attended the meeting that day. Bill Stepien explains that we told Trump what we believed was his chance of winning at this stage (…), and that there was only a five to 10% chance that he would win. Stepien says that the president became “more and more angry”. The leader decides to change his team to surround himself with those who will support him during his crusade.

This new legal team held a confusing press conference on November 19. Sidney Powell is one of Donald Trump’s lawyers. He accuses Venezuela and Cuba of plotting an electoral conspiracy. Rudy Giuliani is at his side and denounces the “scandalous iron curtain” of censorship. A brown liquid, which is hair dye, drips down her temples under the heat of the spotlights.

Four days later, Attorney General Bill Barr visited the White House. In a Monday video broadcast by the commission, the minister said that it was embarrassing.

He stated that the two men examined the alleged election fraud by Donald Trump on several occasions. The Minister of Justice, who will resign on December 14, estimates that “nonsense” was expressed by a man “detached form reality”.

The commission argued that Donald Trump and his entourage would continue to spread “these lies” about electoral corruption to solicit donations over the next month. She revealed that her campaign team will send dozens of emails per day to her supporters, flooding them with information. This will help her raise $250 million between Election Day 2021 and Jan 6, 2021.

“The big lie was also the biggest scam,” said Zoe Lofgren. She is well-known for her work on the impeachment of three presidents before Congress: Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton… and Donald Trump.

The so-called January 6 commission will present its findings on the year of investigation and place Donald Trump in the center of “an attempted coup” during four hearings.

American Minister of Justice Merrick Garland assured that “all the hearings” of this commission would be followed. Monday’s promise was to hold all actors of January 6, 2021 accountable, regardless of their rank or position and whether they were present during the storming at the Capitol.