At the weekend it will be hot in Freistaat – hotter than ever this year. Day trippers can really take advantage of the last days of the Pentecost holidays. However, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Munich (dpa / lby) – A weekend with optimal bathing weather awaits the Free State. The temperatures will be midsummer, as announced by the German Weather Service (DWD) in Munich.

Already on Wednesday the 30 degree mark should be cracked in parts of Bavaria. The highest temperatures are in the Lower Main. There will be a small interruption in the sunny weather on Thursday: “There will be showers and thunderstorms, especially in the south and east,” said a spokesman for the DWD. It still stays warm.

And on Friday the rain clouds are said to have cleared again: the meteorologists are expecting lots of sunshine, it will remain dry. The maximum values ​​are between 25 and 30 degrees. If you go to a barbecue or to the beer garden in the evening, you probably don’t even need to take a jacket with you: According to the DWD, the nights are becoming increasingly mild and the temperatures are on average around 15 degrees.

Tropical air will reach the Free State on Saturday and the thermometers will show more than 30 degrees. With 34 degrees on the Lower Main, it could even get hotter in Bavaria than it has ever been this year. You can cool off, for example, in a bathing lake or outdoor pool. According to the spokesman, sufficient sun protection should not be missing.

If it’s too hot for sunbathing anyway, you might want to go hiking in the Bavarian Forest: At 26 to 27 degrees, the weather here is a bit more moderate.

It will also remain very hot in the rest of the Free State on Sunday. However, anyone who goes out into nature again on the last day of the Pentecost holidays should keep an eye on the sky – excursionists could be surprised by lightning and thunder. “There may be severe thunderstorms,” ​​said the spokesman.