If you don’t form a rescue lane, you stand in the way of helpers and risk human lives. The Baden-Württemberg police are now arming themselves in the fight against these and other traffic offenders. The aim is to convict and teach people who don’t like the emergency lanes.

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – It is not at all difficult to form a rescue lane in an emergency on the motorway. Cars in the left lane drive left, and cars in the middle and right lane drive right. Often, however, not everyone makes room when emergency services and the police want to rush to the scene of an accident with blue lights flashing. That’s why the police want to help now. More than 100 patrol cars of the Baden-Württemberg patrols will be on the road in a test phase with so-called dashcams.

The aim is, among other things, to document the behavior of those who refuse to use the rescue lanes and to be able to instruct the muffle. Other federal states have already purchased and tried out the mini cameras for this purpose. The term dash cam literally means dashboard camera.

Rescue lanes are essential in view of the masses of cars on the streets, said Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) on Monday at the symbolic handover of the systems. He has “zero point zero understanding” for drivers who ignore or take advantage of the streets. “To be very clear: we do not accept that road users endanger human lives through this reckless behavior,” said Strobl.

With the new devices, however, not only rescue lane offenders should be targeted. Dangerous speeders can also be caught in this way, illegal vehicle races documented and truck drivers checked, as the Ministry of the Interior announced. According to the Ministry of the Interior, the equipment costs around 600,000 euros.