Karlsruhe (dpa/lsw) – E-vehicle fires have also been attracting attention in the southwest for some time – but the police in the state do not see any noticeable accumulation of such fires, according to the answers from 7 of the 13 police headquarters to unexplained garage and e-cars -fires. There are no statistics on this. But fires with e-cars are still rather rare. However, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Interior points to the steady increase in vehicles with alternative drive systems. “As a result, the number of electrically powered vehicles involved in accidents and fires is also increasing per se.”

But fire protection researchers see no reason for particular concern. “From our statistics, we have no indication that electric vehicles catch fire more often than cars with combustion engines,” emphasizes Jörg Asmussen, General Manager of the German Insurance Association (GDV). However, it can become a fire hazard when charging if the building services are defective, outdated or overloaded. Experts strongly recommend fixed charging stations (wall boxes) and a check of the building services before buying an e-car.