Eric Ciotti was a little shaken by Valerie Pecresse’s score in round one of the presidential election. In her constituency, 1st in Alpes-Maritimes, the Republican candidate had won only 5.52%. votes in the first round. The president of the party’s departmental federation was able to use his strong local roots to get out of the first round of legislative elections.

Eric Ciotti qualified by collecting 31.7% vote on Sunday and will now defend the National Assembly seat he held since 2007. Craig Monetti, the candidate for Ensemble!, is ahead of him, having won 25.92%. Reconquete! (the party of Eric Zemmour) did not present any candidates to him in the second round. This was what enabled his accession to the next round. The polemicist had made numerous calls for Eric Ciotti to be removed from the second round. He said that Eric Ciotti was a symbol of the patriot rights he strives to embody during his presidential campaign.

Eric Ciotti said, “Between Macron & Zemmour? I prefer Zemmour.” He then returned it to him without letting go his candidate. The former CNews columnist was elected to the seat with 14.62% of votes. This is nearly twice the national score (7.07%).

Christian Estrosi, another local baron, was particularly upset by this false alliance. The mayor of Nice, predecessor to Eric Ciotti, head of Maralpine Republicans then tweeted: “Eric Ciotti’s old and discrete alliance with the far right finally comes out in the open.”