Not enough space, outdated and hazardous to health: the State Criminal Police Office in Saxony-Anhalt is getting on in years. The new and modern headquarters are to be built in Barleben.

Barleben (dpa/sa) – High-performance data lines and server capacities: The planned new building of the Saxony-Anhalt State Criminal Police Office (LKA) in Barleben should meet the latest standards. “We often discuss the fact that crime is shifting from the real to the virtual world,” said Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang (CDU) on Wednesday during a visit to the future location. For that, you need modern work opportunities. The corresponding technical equipment of the laboratories is also taken into account.

According to Finance Minister Michael Richter (CDU), 20,000 square meters of office space and 3,500 square meters of laboratory space are planned on the seven-hectare site north of Magdeburg. Around 700 employees are to be accommodated there.

The LKA is currently housed at several locations in Magdeburg and Schönebeck. Harmful fibers were discovered in the ceiling panels of the previous building in the state capital. Initially there were plans for a renovation, later the switch was made to a new building. With the selection of the area in the Börde district, an intensive selection process comes to an end, said Richter. The location meets all the requirements.

For the LKA, the connection to the Autobahns 2 and 14, the connection to Magdeburg and local transport were important. “Even those who don’t have a car are able to come here,” said Richter. According to Barleben’s Mayor Frank Nase (CDU), there has long been a desire to connect the Ostfalen Technology Park, where the LKA is to be built, directly to the railway network. “That would be a huge win,” he said to policymakers.

It is unclear when exactly work can begin in the new premises. The year 2027 was in the room, but the earliest possible completion is currently expected in 2028, according to the Ministry of Finance. The latter is realistic if everything runs “normally”, said Thomas Poege, managing director of the newly founded real estate and project management company Saxony-Anhalt (IPS). The IPS has been commissioned to implement the major project. According to initial estimates, the construction will cost around 300 million euros.