Munich (dpa/lby) – This year, the Bavarian Library Prize goes to the regional library in Weiden in the Upper Palatinate and the community library in Vaterstetten in Upper Bavaria. The library in Weiden will receive the main prize of 10,000 euros, the facility in Vaterstetten will receive the special prize of 5,000 euros, as Minister of Art Markus Blume (CSU) and the Chairman of the Bavarian Library Association, Gerhard Hopp, announced in Munich on Wednesday.

According to the eight-strong jury, the Weiden Regional Library “has developed into a modern and lively culture and media center for the citizens of Weiden and the entire region over the past 30 years.” The founding member of the first Onleihe association in Bavaria is consistently using the opportunities of digitization and is taking on a pioneering role with innovative offers. The wide range of offers for promoting reading and teaching media and information skills for children and young people are particularly noteworthy.

The community library of Vaterstetten convinced the jury with its creative event program for the 50th anniversary. For example, a review was held together with customers who have remained loyal to the community library since it was founded in 1972.

“This year’s award winners show that our libraries can do books and screens! Their range inspires fans of classic books and at the same time takes advantage of the opportunities offered by digital formats,” said Minister of the Arts Blume. “Especially in these challenging times, our libraries show the great value they have for social cohesion as places of learning and meeting,” emphasized Hopp.