Schwerin (dpa / mv) – Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s Agriculture Minister Till Backhaus (SPD) has welcomed the plans of Federal Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens) for future animal husbandry labeling. At the same time he warned to hurry: “The announcements by the Federal Minister are a first step in the right direction, although I would have wished for them months ago. Hopefully the next steps will follow much faster now, in order to fill the animal welfare label with life.” said Backhaus on Tuesday.

Özdemir presented a five-stage model on Tuesday. The cornerstones provide for the types of housing stable, stable and space, fresh air stable, exercise area/free range and organic. They mainly differ in how much space the animals have and how comfortable their stalls are equipped. According to Özdemir’s plans, mandatory state labeling should start in the course of the coming year – but initially only for pork.

“In order to make animal husbandry labeling really a success, the federal government must now consistently help agriculture to reorganize animal husbandry,” said Backhaus. Farming is willing to invest in more animal welfare and sustainability, but they also need reliable guidelines and tangible assistance.