A regional train derailed in Bavaria on Friday. Several cars overturn. Five people die in the accident. The public prosecutor’s office is now investigating several employees of the railway.

After the train accident near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, three railway employees apparently come into focus. The Munich II public prosecutor initiates investigations against three people on suspicion of negligent homicide. A spokeswoman for the investigative authority said the suspects were employees of Deutsche Bahn.

The regional train from Garmisch-Partenkirchen to Munich derailed shortly after departure on Friday afternoon. Four women and a 14-year-old from the region died and around 40 people were injured. One woman remains in critical condition. Among the women killed are two mothers from Ukraine who had fled to Bavaria with their children.

The investigation into the cause of the accident is being carried out by a Soko “Zug”. The Federal Office for Railway Accident Investigation is also involved.

Deutsche Bahn announced that it is currently unable to comment due to the ongoing investigation. “Of course we are doing everything we can to support the investigating authorities in clarifying the cause of the accident,” said a railway spokesman.