The heart muscle gets fatigued and enlarged when the pressure builds up in the arteries. This is called high blood pressure (HTA). This is the most common reason to consult in general medicine. It is also one of the major risk factors for stroke and cardiovascular disease.

It is possible to treat hypertension today, and there are many effective treatments that can prevent complications. Unfortunately, 5 million of the 15 million French hypertensives are not aware that they exist and are not being treated.

Why is this ignorance? Hypertension develops silently, which is one of its peculiarities. Hypertension can sometimes be associated with non-specific symptoms such as headaches and difficulty concentrating, dizziness or shortness of breath, ringing ears, or trouble hearing.

Remember to take your blood pressure at least once per year. Hypertension is defined as a measurement that exceeds 140/90.

Hypertension usually develops gradually after the age 50, although it can also occur earlier. Hypertension is influenced by several factors that accumulate over time. These include age, family predisposition, lifestyle (sedentary lifestyle, obesity, unhealthy diet), and lifestyle. ).

High blood pressure is a problem in France. It affects 25% of men and 18% women. Six non-drug ways to reduce your risk are available: