The Russian Army is retreating in the Ukrainian regions of Kherson and Zaporizhia, while the Russian Defense Ministry is deceiving Russian President Vladimir Putin, the head of the Russian Wagner mercenary group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, a staunch critic of the Russian military command, denounced on Friday.

“The Ukrainian Armed Forces crush the Russian Army, while we bathe in blood, nobody sends reserves, there is no command,” he said in a video posted on Telegram.

Despite this situation, the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff “still believe that they can win this war.”

“But, since there is no command, there are no military successes, the leadership of the Ministry of Defense thoroughly deceives the president,” he asserted.

That is why, he said, “all the time we hear about 60 Leopards destroyed, thousands of enemy soldiers annihilated.”

In the half-hour video, billed as the first part of an interview with Prigozhin, Wagner’s boss lashes out openly against the Russian Defense Ministry and particularly against Minister Sergei Shoigu, whom he described as a “trembling grandfather” who would have to judge by the death of “tens of thousands of young people”.

“It is a mediocrely planned operation,” he said, referring to the Russian military campaign that began in February 2022.

According to Prigozhin, the operation would have been successful if very serious planning errors had not been made “or naked and barefoot soldiers had not been sent” to the front.

Regarding the current situation on the front, he stressed that “sovereign lies” by the Ministry of Defense continue, and that the truth will come out “when this pack of scum understands that it has lost a colossal piece of territory and says that it has regrouped to more favorable positions.

Meanwhile, he asserted, Russian soldiers continue to die or receive serious injuries.

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