Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – The number of people infected with corona has fallen in the hospitals in Baden-Württemberg. On Thursday (as of 4:00 p.m.) there were 80 patients with a corona infection in the intensive care units, as announced by the state health department in Stuttgart. A week earlier there were 83. The number of people infected in the so-called normal wards fell from 640 to 534 in the same period. The number of registered deaths related to the virus rose to 16,138. That is eight more than a week ago.

The seven-day incidence of new corona infections in the southwest was 211 on Thursday. In the previous week the value was 227.4. However, the incidence does not provide a complete picture of the infection situation: For some time now, experts have been assuming that there is a high number of cases not recorded by the RKI, mainly because by far not all infected people have a PCR test done. Only positive PCR tests count in the statistics. In addition, late registrations or transmission problems can lead to a distortion of individual daily values.