The Independent Union and Officials Center (CSIF), the most representative union in public administrations, has renewed its leadership in the elections held this Tuesday in the General State Administration with 25.5% representation, ahead of UGT (19 %) and CCOO (16%).

In this way, CSIF renews for the third consecutive term as the first force in the General State Administration in the sum of both civil servants and labor personnel. For its part, USO is left out of the negotiating tables for not reaching the required minimum of representativeness.

CSIF has appreciated the support obtained from the workers and has reiterated its firm will to continue defending labor improvements and services in the administrations. In this sense, CSIF has presented to the political parties a new roadmap for the general elections on July 23, and an agreement that allows the development of 12 fundamental axes:

Review of the salary agreement and salary equalization between administrations; implementation of the working day of 35 weekly hours; effective development of teleworking in the General State Administration; regulation of early partial retirement for civil servants, statutory personnel and those groups whose professional activity so recommends it; improvement of the pensions of the General Regime of Passive Classes and greater financing for Mutual Societies.

In addition to updating the allowances and compensation for residence; adequacy of the Professional Groups as established by the TREBEP; professionalize the administration and guarantee its independence; guarantee public financing of education and health, up to 7% of GDP; eliminate the wage gap, guarantee parity, and develop specific protocols against sexual harassment; Develop professional career and evaluate performance and a medium-term human resources plan.

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