Saint-Just, after more than two years of pandemics, was finally able commemorate the Victory of May 8 1945 over Nazis with all the honours due to the event. In the presence of a representative from the national gendarmerie, the municipal team invited the people to the ceremony at the war monument.

A buffet and an aperitif followed, which allowed approximately half the residents to meet and share a friendly moment with the new City Council members. opportunity to meet after the March 2020 municipal elections.

This day of meetings was used by the municipality to pay respects to Christian Durand (first magistrate, 1995-2020) and his forty-three year municipal mandate.

Francis Duverneuil (current city councilor) gave him the letter and decree of the prefect, which conferred on him the title honorary mayor. He was honored by the municipality for his many mandates and for the restoration and embellishment that he has done for the local heritage.