Construction sites are incredibly busy places, with a wide range of individuals and machinery moving around all the time. The nature of the construction industry is such that the work being undertaken is often strenuous and done in all weathers. It is important that those in charge of a construction site, no matter how large, or small, provide a sheltered space for their construction workers. This is not just for the overall wellbeing of these employees but also to ensure that they are fully complying with all of the health and safety regulations and requirements pertaining to a  commercial construction site.

It is essential to ensure that a construction site is not only safe but also productive. This means ensuring that you have onsite facilities that will allow all of your construction workers to work to the best of their abilities. The type of onsite facilities that are required are referred to as a welfare unit. They can be hired for the duration of your construction project from reputable companies who specialise in the provision of welfare units and mobile toilets like SRP Hire Solutions.

They offer an area for breaks

One of the most important roles of the welfare unit is to offer a space where construction workers can take their breaks. Working on a construction site can be incredibly physical, and when it is undertaken in all types of weather, the need for a space to take break away from the elements is essential.

A welfare unit offers more than just a space to shelter from the weather or have a short rest. It is somewhere that has canteen style facilities and as such offers a place where employees can get a hot drink or take a well deserved lunch break. They have portable generators which allow for the use of things like kettles and microwaves. This is particularly important on cold and wet days.

Provide washroom facilities

The provision of toilet facilities is one of the most important aspects of welfare on any construction site. Welfare units usually come with a good sized washroom area that includes, at the very least, toilets and washbasins but will often have shower facilities as well in order to offer construction workers a place where they can freshen up. They should have both hot and cold water as well as good lighting in order to provide the right level of facilities to your staff.

They can include office space

Larger welfare units, particularly those that you find on bigger construction sites also include space that can be used as an office in addition to the toilet and canteen facilities. Having an office on site can make some tasks much easier and is much more convenient when it comes to the day-to-day administrative tasks.

Office space can be used not only by the administrators who work with the construction team but also by team leaders as a base for keeping an eye on the construction project and ensuring that all of the work is running smoothly and to schedule. With many construction sites being based a good distance from the office of the construction company, it makes sense to have a space on site

Health and safety requirements

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have a number of regulations and requirements that related to all commercial constructions sites and the things that must be put in place for  the health and safety of all employees. In addition to the need to supply welfare facilities for the reasons mentioned above these regulations also cover the need for appropriate safety equipment on site and also correct safety signage.