Actually, the special fund for the Bundeswehr should be included in the Basic Law – and therefore needs a two-thirds majority in the Bundestag. But because the Union sets conditions, SPD parliamentary group leader Mützenich is now threatening other ways – for which a simple majority would be enough.

In the dispute over the passing of the special fund for the Bundeswehr, the SPD parliamentary group leader in the Bundestag, Rolf Mützenich, threatened the Union with going it alone with the traffic light coalition. If the CDU and CSU opposed each other in the Bundestag with a view to the necessary two-thirds majority for an amendment to the Basic Law, then there were “other ways than the military constitution” to provide the 100 billion euros, said Mützenich of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”.

“If Germany is in an emergency situation, Article 115 allows borrowing with a simple majority,” said Mützenich. However, he did not want this to be understood as a threat to the Union: “The constitution opens up several ways for us to reach our goal, that’s the way it is. But we prefer to go down the path together with the CDU and CSU.” Opposition leader Friedrich Merz from the CDU once again warned Mützenich against “tactical games” in the vote.

The SPD parliamentary group leader said that the coalition still had to agree with the Union on how NATO’s goal of spending two percent of gross national product on defense should be anchored. “NATO leaves open what needs to be planned in national budgets to achieve this goal.” The defense budget of 50 billion euros and the additional 100 billion should be used to reach the target of NATO. “In the next week of meetings we will decide on the defense halt and hopefully also on the special fund. With this we will achieve the NATO goals,” emphasized Mützenich.

Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht expects an agreement with the Union. “At the moment I have the feeling that everyone – CDU/CSU, SPD, Greens and FDP – wants to pull together and equip the Bundeswehr as they urgently need it,” said the SPD politician on ARD . “So I’m still assuming that these constructive talks will also lead to a result before the summer break.” Anyone who publicly admits to the Bundeswehr and recognizes that there is a great need for action must now also show their colors. “That’s why I’m very optimistic.”

Lambrecht does not see the need for the traffic light coalition to go it alone, as Mutzenich recently brought up in the discussion. “We are in good talks at the moment and we should take advantage of these opportunities.”

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced a special fund for the Bundeswehr with a volume of 100 billion euros, which is to be anchored in the Basic Law. The traffic light coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP also needs the approval of the Union. The CDU and CSU have set conditions for this. This includes, for example, that the 100 billion should only be used to better equip the Bundeswehr.