Twitter is making big news as Elon Musk finalizes his plans to acquire the company. Despite Mr. Musk’s vast fortune, he isn’t acquiring the company on his own. Instead, he, like many other smart entrepreneurs, secured funding through other investors to help him capture the company. While this might sound strange, it’s how many of these savvy business owners operate.

The business owner may be the face of the new company, and they may even own a large number of shares, but the money that makes the sale possible didn’t come from one individual’s bank account. Some investors are banks, some are individual people, and some are investment firms like Alchemy Ventures. This same strategy is used whether purchasing large tech companies or real estate investments in strategic locations.

Elon Musk

You probably know Elon Musk from recent news about his takeover of Twitter. But his past and present holdings are far more interesting than that. In the early 2000’s, he merged his company with Confinity to form what we now know as PayPal. When the big company eBay bought that from him in 2002, Elon Musk was free to work on more exciting projects. He founded Tesla to bring more eco-friendly options onto the vehicle market. His company SpaceX makes rockets, and then there are Neuralink and The Boring Company. All of these were developed through his hard work ethic and creative ideas.

Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban is known for his big personality and no-nonsense approach to investing in business from his appearance on Shark Tank. He knows his stuff and loves to find great business ideas and fund them to become even better. His biggest business investment is as the owner of the Dallas Mavericks Basketball team. As the franchise owner, his team has won over 700 games and is now the 4th most valuable NBA team.  Aside from his involvement with basketball, Mark Cuban also has business holdings in ZenLedger, Polygon, and Register to Vote.

Bill Gates

Everyone knows Bill Gates as the Microsoft guy, but he also has holdings in Berkshire Hathaway. Interestingly enough, Berkshire Hathaway’s holdings include big-name businesses like Geico, Long & Foster, and BNSF railway. Additionally, in recent years, Gates has added a lot of property to his portfolio by snatching up more than 260,000 acres of farmland. These are just some of the major investments that make up Bill Gates’ wealth.

Samuel Kooris

As an up-and-coming real estate investor in NYC, Samuel Kooris already owns more than 60+ urban buildings through his company Alchemy Ventures. His holdings include properties in Brooklyn, Kansas City, and throughout New York. While it’s evident that these holdings are just a fraction of properties throughout the United States, his unique approach is far more interesting than just a guy who owns more real estate.

While many investors seek to simply make money, he is just as concerned about improving the quality of properties and opportunities in the communities where he buys buildings. To Samuel Kooris, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Kansas City are more than holdings in his portfolio. They represent real places where people and communities exist. By strategically purchasing real estate he and his team work to improve older buildings and the lifestyles of the people who live in and use them for business.

Barry Silbert

Never heard of Barry? He’s become a billionaire through his cryptocurrency investments and is considered The King of Crypto. While cryptocurrencies have been down in recent months, billionaires like Mark Cuban and Barry Silbert still see the value in digital currencies for the future. Barry and his holding company own billions in cryptocurrency.

It’s even rumored that he’s offered to purchase the company behind the popular meme coin Dogecoin. Interestingly enough, Tesla also purchased more than $1 billion in Bitcoin back in 2021. Tesla is also popular for accepting Bitcoin as payment. It’s evident that The King of Crypto isn’t the only one interested in the digital currency market. Barry Silbert has made some interesting investments and his holdings in the digital marketplace have significant room to grow as digital currency gains in widespread acceptance. Retailers are beginning to accept more payments in the form of digital currency which gives the market more traction.