The Association of Prosecutors, Majority in the Fiscal Career, has demanded on Tuesday the “immediate resignation” of the State Attorney General, Dolores Delgado, after the world revealed that the former Minister of Justice intervened directly in open investigation
To the prosecutor Ignacio Stampa against what was pointed out before the Tax Council.

In a statement, the AF submits that “before the information accumulation appeared today that accredit with documentary evidence that the State Attorney General covered before the Fiscal Council, Democratic Representation Body of All Prosecutors, its intervention in a
Subject to refrain, the Executive Committee of the Association of Prosecutors requires, again, the immediate resignation of Dolores Delgado as Attorney General of the State “.

Furthermore, since the Association of Prosecutors, they emphasize that “their actions and erratic decisions and sectarian and their flagrant breach of the most elementary ethical standards, stand permanently to their person and the institution that directs at the point of sight and reproach public permanent with serious damage
To the prestige of the Fiscal Ministry and enormous breakdown of the trust that citizenship can deposit in it. Its permanence in office is incompatible with impartiality and other constitutional principles that govern the Public Ministry. ”

For its part, since the Professional and Independent Association of Prosecutors (APIF) have pointed out this Tuesday that “the General Prosecutor’s Office is not directed by the right person” and have added that the head of the Technical Secretariat, Álvaro García, “should not remain
Not one more day in the position “.

From apif they emphasize that the published documentation reveals that “the General Prosecutor of the State intervened, contrary to what the Tax Council was reported, in a very relevant way in the set of criminal proceedings that were opened against the prosecutor Ignacio Stampa, remaining the same open
Artificially during the time needed to make it impossible for him to have any chance of obtaining a plaza he requested and that he was moving to continue with the matter that involved several individuals defended by the office of the Attorney General. ”

They also argue that “the concealment of the intervention of the Attorney General to the Fiscal Council; the qualification of serious defamation the imputations given to the Attorney General; the intervention of the Technical Secretary in the extension of the proceedings without any competence
To do this, in the form of suggestions to the instructor; the attacks discharged in the same fiscal council against the instructor of the proceedings (the prosecutor Carlos Ruiz de Alegría) who refused to continue with the game designed from the dome of the General Prosecutor’s Office, while
He was denied the possibility of defending himself in the council himself where he was injured; systematic concealment of data to those interested in the matter; or the fact that even the Attorney General argued that was defamienting it for something
that now reveals as true, make this case in a matter of unusual gravity. ”

Both the name of Dolores Delgado and that of his sentimental partner, former Judge Baltasar Garzón, have appeared in the Summary of the Tandem case, where the alleged criminal activity developed by Commissioner José Manuel Villarejo and other high police commands is investigated.

In addition, the Dispatch of Garzón, Ilocad, defends several charged in this macropro-treatment, which has led to authorized sources of the prosecution to point out that Delgado can not intervene – not directly or indirectly – in any issue related to this cause for a clearing
conflict of interests.

In fact, the Attorney General, through his right hand, the Chief Prosecutor of the Technical Secretariat, Álvaro García, defended himself in the Fiscal Council held on November 24 who had no intervention in the proceedings open to the former case prosecutor
Villarejo for a crime of revelation of secrets.
The published documentation demonstrates otherwise.