There are so many types of Pokémon games as monsters it is possible to capture in them.
Well, agree, it is an exaggeration because the Pokémon List does not stop expanding and rubbing and at 898 tickets, but the franchise has given more than a hundred different titles in digital version with all kinds of thematic and objectives.

The main ones, about 18 grouped in nine generations, are role-playing games with shifts that have accompanied the Nintendo consoles from the Game Boy era.
The formula at this point is more than proven and works.
All the Pokémon reach the first places of the best-selling playlists shortly after launching.

Changing it is tempting to luck, Pokémon Perleequis: Arceus, developed by Game Freak, has done it sublimely thanks to a good mix of genres.

It is a different Pokémon in which we must forget a lot of what is considered essential in the rest of titles.
Facted in the past, Arceus leaves concepts such as tournaments or gyms or the very digital Pokédex.

It takes place in the HISUI region, which is what was called in the past the region that in the rest of the modern Pokémon Games is known as Sinnoh.
It has six different biomes to explore and those that capture more than 240 types of monsters.

But the way to do it is a little different from the previous deliveries.
You can try your way by throwing a pokeball, attacking with any of the Pokémon that we have already captured or attract them with different baits, of course, but in this game the shift fight has evolved towards a freer style and the exploration mechanics look more like
Titles such as Monster Hunter or Zelda: Breath of the Wild (he who remembers aesthetically).

You can buy it here for 46.98 euros (22% discount).

During combat there are also two different styles of confrontation for the Pokémon (fast and strong), which combined with the different skills of each creature, multiplies the strategic possibilities in the clashes.

The history of the game is simple.
Our protagonist lands, without knowing very well how, in HISUI and ends up enrolled in the Galaxy team, a group of enthusiastic Pokémon scholars who tries to better understand these wild creatures and create the first Pokédex … on paper.

After a very long tutorial (perhaps the part that becomes the hardest game), the protagonist can explore the different areas of Hisui looking for new Pokémon for his collection.
By going increasing rank within the Galaxy Team, we can visit new regions, make more advanced material with which to hunt higher Pokémon or knowing new secondary characters.

In Hisui the Pokémon do not appear, as in traditional games, such as fortuitous meetings, but live in their natural environment, you can see them at all times and you have to approach them to capture them.

A major change in this title is that the wild Pokémon can attack the player, so you have to learn to dodge your attacks and sometimes approach them with stealth.
From time to time we will also find ourselves with Pokémon Alfa, which are much more aggressive and strong and distinguish by red eyes.

These changes alter completely the dynamics of the game and are the breath of fresh air that achieves that this title does not seem one more in a long list of almost clonic titles.
United to exploration in open world, gives veteran players a new reason to enjoy the saga and recover that feeling of being discovering the world of the Pokémon for the first time.
See them in your natural environment and as wild creatures it also helps you have more personality than in previous deliveries.

You can buy it here for 46.98 euros (22% discount).

The main campaign of Pokémon legends: Arceus can end up in just over 20 hours of play, but as it happens with open world titles, there are hundreds of secondary missions and tasks to do.
Part of the grace of this title is in fact in exploring the different regions and enjoying the views.
Undoubtedly to Zelda Graph Excellence: Breath of the Wild, Pokémon Legends: Arceus gives very worthy moments for the ability of the Nintendo Switch.

The game is already for sale in both physical format and ESHOP at a price of 60 euros and is undoubtedly one of the essential titles of this 2022 for the switch.