The fight against the reform will result in having united the unions again. Even without a new day of strikes and demonstrations against the text, the intersyndicale wishes to continue to remain united. Proof of this is the meeting scheduled for this Thursday, June 15 in the evening, at the headquarters of the CFE-CGC, with the main members of this union.
The intersyndicale, which brings together the eight main French unions and five youth organizations, did not meet on June 6, the evening of the 14th day of mobilization, contrary to a well-established routine, and has since communicated neither on that day or on the failure of the Liot group’s bill to repeal the reform on June 8.
The time for each of its members to learn the lessons of a “retirement” sequence which ends when the law has been promulgated and the first decrees have appeared, even if the unions claim not to “turn the page “. As suggested by the statements of Laurent Berger (CFDT) last week, the inter-union will not announce a new day of strikes and demonstrations.
“Before the summer, I think there won’t be. We will see tomorrow what the inter-union will say in the press release. We are going to prepare and build for after the summer,” Force Ouvrière secretary general Frédéric Souillot told Sud Radio on Wednesday. For Dominique Corona (Unsa), the purpose of this meeting and the press conference that will follow is to “continue to show unity”. “We said we were working together, we demonstrate it,” he told AFP.
“Working groups” to develop joint proposals should be announced. On May 30, one of the CGT representatives within the intersyndicale, Sébastien Menesplier, had mentioned the establishment of such groups on work orders and unemployment insurance. In recent days, tensions have arisen within the inter-union, with statements not always pleasant between the number one of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, and his counterpart of the CGT, Sophie Binet (CGT).
“Laurent Berger, he hands over [on June 21 to his number two, Marylise Léon, Ed]. It was perhaps his last manifestation to him. As far as the inter-union is concerned, we are going to meet next week and we are going to discuss the follow-up together, “said Ms. Binet last week on France Info. “We’ll see if Sophie Binet calls for a mobilization by the end of June,” swept Mr. Berger in response.