A few hours ago Russian paratroopers landed in Kharkov.
The second city of Ukraine continues to resist the progress of the Russians, who attacked a military hospital in his new advancement by the city.
The combats are freed from new street to street and there are hundreds of dwellings destroyed.
The Ukrainian army has already knocked down an enemy plane that bombed the city, from a million and a half of inhabitants and a russian majority.

During the night, five districts of Kiev have been attacked, while they are still looking for corpses in the television tower area, attacked yesterday by Russians.

The mayor of Jerson, a city located in the Black Sea, told the local radio that the occupation of the town is underway.
Russian forces took control of the train station and the harbor during the night, and early in the morning the Russian Navy affirmed that it had taken “the total control of the regional center”.
Meanwhile, the southern city of Mariupol is without electricity after the Russian bombardment.

“Since Monday I can not talk to my family, they are incommunicado,” explained a resident of Mariupol that is now outside the city.
The Russians are apparently getting the taking of the coast of the Azov Sea, which began in the summer of 2014 together with the separatists.
Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have fled from the fighting.
To the west of Kiev, in the city of Zhitomir, four people, including a child, died on Tuesday by a Russian cruise missile, according to the Ukrainian government.

In Kiev they know that they will be the following in trying Russia’s steel rain, which calls the door of his house with backward bile.
After two days sowing the terror attacking homes in various points in the country, the Russian Ministry of Defense warned that it would start its assault by firing in the capital against the Ukrainian security service (SBU) and a special operating unit.
Hours after the announcement was bombarded Kiev’s television tower, which is located right in the place reminiscent of the victims of Babi Yar, one of the biggest massacres of Jews during the Nazi Holocaust.

After some ‘surgical’ attacks in her military offensive, she started just a week ago, Russia is now bombing in the centers of cities, using missiles and artillery in residential areas and administrative venues.
An attack with missiles devastated a large government building, in the main square of Kharkov, the second largest city in the country.
In the images of the safety cameras of a nearby building, an immense fireball is appreciated that killed ten people, hurting 35. “The rubble is being removed and there will be more victims and injured”, augured Anton Gerashenko, Minister’s advisor
Another attack in a residential neighborhood destroyed a hospital and provoked several dead and injuries.
President Zelenski affirmed that these acts were equivalent to “state terrorism”.

After hitting Kharkov without getting the city, the Russians take days approaching Kiev, although with difficulties for the hard opposition offered by the Ukrainian army.
Among its objectives is a thermal energy plant that provides electricity to the three million people living in the Ukrainian capital.
After leaving the kievitas without television, the following is to leave them in the dark and without being able to charge the mobile.

The president of Ukraine, Volodimir Zelenski, stated that Russia must stop bombing Ukrainian cities before they can begin new conversations, which should be held today.
The Ukrainian president even manifested herself willing to maintain negotiations directly with that of him Russian counterpart of him, Vladimir Putin, to end the invasion of Russia in Ukraine, although he was little hopeful about an agreement.
A convoy of the UN planned its departure today at nine o’clock in the morning.
He did not offer transportation to anyone, but private vehicles could follow the caravan.