KALUSH: STEFANIA.The song that will represent Ukraine in Eurovision begins a special edition of this ‘playlist’ of current music, today dedicated entirely to songs of the country attacked by the Russian regime of Putin.
Kalush is a paradressive rap group that in this great success tonada, the favorite of the public, nostalgic electronics of the ‘trip-hop’ with folklore.
In his own way, they are like our tanxugueiras.

Okean Elzy: Bez Tebe.
The lift quintet is one of the most veteran and emblematic rock groups in the country, with almost 30 years of trajectory and still very popular.
This is one of his most recent songs, with funky guitar and a cheerful rhythm that invites the dance.

TVorchi: Bonfire.
At Ukrainian ‘TVORCHI’ means creative, and that is the general approach that applies to its original music this duo formed at the University of Ternopil.
His is a dance-pop Molón, a day of international trends, to dance with sunglasses.

Julia Bondar: Fire.
In times so dark it sounds premonitory the grim electronics of this Ukrainian producer and singer who resides in Barcelona for years.
In the synthesizer discharges of it combines techno with industrial sounds, electro of the 90 and an avant-garde attitude.

5’Nizza: Soldat.
Another of the most popular current groups in Ukraine, a duo of which it is inevitable not to remember this anti-anti-anti-rhythm hymn guarded ‘soldier’.

Dakh Daughters: Rozy.
The fantastic Women’s group of Kiev offers a very theatrical interpretation of modern song, so intense that it approaches punk.
As a wild Central European cabaret, they put the songs as well as donamous about to get out of their axis.

Panivalkova: Let me.
Another entirely feminine group of Kiev, a trio of acoustic sound and great intensity.
His sound revolved around the piano and percussion, but the soul of his songs was a very original indie pop.
A pity that separated a couple of years ago.

Boombox: Empires Will Fall.
For rock fans with power, and with message, this successful set of capital is mandatory.
Electric guitars such as axes and chorus to cooperate with the fist high.

Onuka: Xashi.
As a very fast introduction, it could be said that she is the Björk of Ukraine, although her music is usually more effusive and nervous.
With a sound arch that goes from Folk to ‘Chillwave’, one thing is safe in her songs: always surprise.

Druha Rika: Secret.
The most British (and Emo) sound group of Ukraine offers epic and modern pop-rock in long instrumental progressions.