The spectators who viewed the night in 24 hours on Monday, February 21 lived a situation out of the ordinary live.
An open microphone caused that in space conducted by Xabier Fortes the conversation that a collaborator had with another person in the bathroom will be picked up.

The presenter was talking to the political analyst Fernando Jáuregui about the crisis of the Popular Party and the conflict between Pablo Marriedo and Isabel Díaz Ayuso.
At the same time I was heard someone out of plane saying: “My eye is crying, I have not thrown anything because I thought I was going to go alone and I do not go and I am like that with water and I have not left.
And it’s crying more and more. ”

In the audio issued in the channel program 24 hours it is appreciated what looks like the water jet of an open tap in a sink.
The protagonist of the incident says subsequently: “I have gotten a hair from the beard in the eye.”

The unusual conversation that an open microphone exposed at night in 24 hours has not gone unnoticed in social networks.
A spectator who saw the live format shared on Twitter: “I promise that I put on a pause the TV because I did not give credit to what I was seeing … If it’s hard, imagine if the uncle gives him to say in the bathroom any
Burrado “.
Another user indicated about the channel 24 hours: “It is so abandoned that neither its own technicians see it and listen live.”

Some tubers gave meaning that the sound that stood in the program was that of a person urinating and commented what happened with humor.
“Spanish politics is to piss and do not drop away,” wrote one.
“I meo (and never better),” said another.
“This is a sated sketch as you can,” said a third.

Sliding Carlota starred at a similar situation in Sálvame on August 10, 2021. An open microphone played a trick on him when the magazine returned after an advertising pause and she was not on the set.
The spectators could hear the noise of a cistern and the Galician shouting: “I’m peeing!”

Kiko Hernández took the reins of the format until the presenter reappeared.
She talked about what happened without tapujos: “I think she has been heard me to mear and pull the cistern … Well, she was peeking.”
Also, she explained why she had been slow to return: “There was no toilet paper in any of the women’s bathrooms and I had to do an excursion to find it.”