AP PHOTOS – Ottawa protest: Huddled around fires, dancing

OTTAWA (Ontario) — People were dancing on the streets, taking in the snow and hugging each other. This is what the Canadian capital saw during the truckers’ protests outside Parliament.

Over three weeks, semitrucks and cars, pickups, sat in Ottawa’s streets, while hundreds of protestors and truckers parked bumper to bumper, opposing vaccine mandates. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was also affected by the demonstrations.

Protesters established camp in an illegal occupation and refused to obey police orders. The streets were throbbed with the long honks from semitruck horns, in spite of a court injunction. Some protesters settled in the locked cabs or tents of their trucks, while others warmed up around small fires during snowfall. Some danced to the Beastie Boys song “(You Gotta!) Fight for Your Rights (To Party! Late Thursday and into Friday, police attempted to dismantle the “Freedom Convoy.” This included blocking border crossings with the U.S. and had economic implications for both countries. It also had support from right-wing activists as well as some prominent conservatives in the U.S. To clear the streets, hundreds of officers arrived in the area. The identities of their employers were not revealed.