Total and self-destructive war in the Popular Party.
Isabel Díaz Ayuso against Pablo Married, Pablo married against Isabel Díaz Ayuso.
And the two throwing nuclear weapons to end their rival.
The tensions and skirmishes of the last six months climbed on Thursday to a public and darkened confrontation, with all Spain, being a spectator of how the PP was upset from top to bottom, putting both leaders at a crossroads over their continuity.
As if only one of the two could be left.

Ayuso accused Married to Urdir a plan to destroy it politically “cruel” and being “manufacturing alleged corruptions” to discredit it.
Included an attempt of espionage through a detective agency contacted from a company from the Madrid City Council to seek tests against it.
This suspicion was charged this Thursday the first victim: the immediate resignation of Angel Carromero, the main one indicated by trying that maneuver.

For his part, Genoa revealed that he has been investing internally if Ayuso may be involved in an alleged case of corruption for a treatment of favor of his brother in a contract of the Madrid Government, for which Tomás Díaz Ayuso would have charged, supposedly, some
288,000 euros in a commission.

And that this, and not something else, is what has tried to cover the Madrid President in these months with “a massive campaign of attacks, infundes and slander” against married with the excuse of presiding up the PP of Madrid and celebrating “as soon as possible”
Congress, but that was only to “shield”.

The National Directorate of the Party has no evidence that Ayuso could be involved in some irregularity, but insinuated him by emphasizing his lack of collaboration and his no response to give the required explanations.

In this crossed fire, the general secretary of the PP, Teodoro García Aegea, announced this Thursday the opening of an informative file to Ayuso with the aim of “gathering information” to find the missing answers and knowing if he could make some irregularity.
The consequences will then be derived from these investigations.

In the case of finding something illegal, the file would result in one of a sanctioning and, only then, the door would open to a suspension of militancy or, in the most end, to expulsion.
In parallel, the legal services of the PP study if it is necessary to comply against Ayuso by its “almost criminal” accusations against married.

“This will fall.”
In Genoa, they believe that Ayuso, by recognizing in his appearance before the media that his brother actually intermediated in the awarded contract, has recognized that there is a scandal for receiving a commission.
“What he has done today is committing suicide, it is the end of Ayuso, because sooner or later the document [from the Brother Commission of Him]”, predict these sources.

“And all because of Miguel Ángel Rodríguez: the same one who was encumbed it has killed it politically,” add, in reference to the director of the Ayuso cabinet.

Asked about the possibility that the file that has opened the match to Ayuso ends in expulsion, the sources of Genoa consulted point that can not be ruled out, before the pulse that has been married with light and stenographers and by the “gravity
“Of the confrontation and the alleged scandal of his brother.
In the surroundings of Ayuso see him right upside down: “They want to throw us”.

But in the PP baroness team, they consider that this Thursday occurred just the opposite, that García Aegea and married drafted their judgments of political death: “Genoa has passed from braking in an accusation without evidence. They have had to cease to Carromero because
It was evident that he was the one of the dosers. ”

“Everything is a married blackmail and is going to pay,” they point out these sources, before granting that PP president “still has a minute to kick back.”
If there is no rectification, Ayuso will give the internal battle, since he believes to have the support of the bases: “Ayuso is the PP, not Aegea”.
“And this has not done but start,” they point out on the Baroness team.

The postures, today, are irreconcilable.
The interpretation that is made in the seventh floor of the headquarters of the PP is diametrically different: “Before we were registered by the headquarters, now we face the scandals of the party, we will be more reinforced.”

And married, how does this internal civil war face?
“He is released,” they say on his team, in reference that he did not want to live with the “scandal” of the presumed commission of the brother of Ayuso.

The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, confirmed this Thursday that he investigated whether from the town hall someone ordered the espionage to Ayuso, although he said he had not found evidence.
For his part, Genoa tells him sharply and accuses Rodríguez, a right hand of Ayuso, having a cover “an assembly” to divert public attention from what is a “case of corruption”: “Miguel Ángel has crashed the plane” and
“He’s destroying the game.”

This story argues that Rodríguez would have put “the machinery underway” to accuse Genoa to mount a “Gestapillo” and some “creams”, in reference to cases of espionage in the past in the PP Madrid at Alberto’s right hand
Ruiz-Gallardón, Manuel Cobo;
and fire friend to destroy the political career of Cristina Cifuentes.
But those “creams” say these sources, “exist”, although it has not yet document documentary evidence and, therefore, justify not having come to the prosecution.

The war was visualized this Thursday with all raw, but Genoa’s story is that it all began in September, when they reached the party “Information” on the alleged irregularity committed by Ayuso by awarding a contract by which his brother had charged a commission.
It was then when Married quoted the President of Madrid in Genoa to ask him for the first time explanations.

In October, he produced a second appointment, this time with García Aegea, in which he was demanded again clarifications.
This triggered that the PP initiate on October 20 a good practice procedure to investigate internally if there were irregularities.
Ayuso was located to contribute more information but, lamented García Aegea, “it has been in vain.”
“To this day we have not received any clarification.”

The official explanation is that then Ayuso, instead of responding, blocked Aegea in Whatsapp and began a campaign of hostilities with the Congress of the PP of Madrid.
The Sun Version is that at that meeting what happened is that she was pressed to retire from the race to be presided by the PP of Madrid.

All the PP assists astonished this civil war.
The reactions are followed, but the fear of seeing how everything collapses between pumps.