The anthill included on Wednesday, February 16 a new delivery of spending the line, section where Paul Motos gives his opinion on different topics.
On this occasion the presenter revealed what is the most intelligent that can be done in life.

“I was wondering the other day a person what is the most intelligent that can be done in this life, I know one who says that the smartest thing that can be done in this life is to leave in time and I agree, there is nothing else
intelligent that knowing how to leave in time of whatever it is. Of a marriage that makes water, of a love that is over, of a party that begins to get painful, of an addiction that enslaves us, of a job that despairs us, “said

“Go on time from anywhere, person or something that gets up, who cuts us the wings and that it does not let us live is how smart that can be done, with an exception. I have nothing clear that you have to leave in time of
Life, “he said.

“There are those who think that as intelligent that can be done in life is to make money, conquer the power or leave a trace from our passage here, I know it’s addictive, but I do not know if it’s the most intelligent,” said the driver of the
Format, which assured that the people who had these things was always worried.

The communicator also affirmed that listening to others could be another of the intelligent things to do in life.
“Most of us do not know how to listen, when the other is talking about what we do is lower the volume and think what we are going to say next,” he squinted.
“Listening is dangerous, that could make us change your mind and it would be frightening for our ego,” he added.

Motorcycle then cited the words of Pau Donés in the documentary that you give me.
“Pau Donés, a few days before he died, he told Jordi Évole that the smartest thing he could do in life was not to worry so much, if you think about it, how many things that worried you last week have not happened? The concern
He never cures anything, but he steals her life, “he said.

The presenter shared a tip with the spectators.
“I believe that, since we are here and we do not know why or why, as intelligent that can be done in life is to take everything less seriously, abandoning the need to have to impress others, do not run away from nothing
And enjoy the experience of life even in misfortunes. There is no day that does not deserve to be lived, “he concluded.

Álex González went to the program to present the Operation Series Black Tide and spoke with motorcycles on meditation.
The actor explained that he is a follower of the Silva method.
“Through meditation you get your mental state in a state called alpha, which is like lowering the mental frequency, and it seems that in that mental state you are more open to your subconscious,” he said.
“When you are in Alfa, which is the opposite of having anxiety, you are very relaxed and you feel that you are part of the universe,” said Motorcycles.

For its part, the interpreter confessed that this method helps you make better decisions.
“You make you better person I think,” he said.
“Meditate I think it’s not for everyone, you sit down not doing anything and there it happens,” said the space driver.

González admitted that he had tried to meditate on the past and had not gotten him until he met the Silva method.
“He made passive meditation, leave the mind blank, that’s impossible,” he said.
“In active meditation you can move, it is not to leave your mind blank, but bring your mind thoughts and order them,” he said.