The General Directorate of the Police will eliminate the controversial spell examination as an excluding selection test in the upcoming oppositions to access the national police, although this subject will be evaluated within the knowledge test.

Through a ministerial order, the General Directorate of the Police has updated the Standard that regulates the bases of the Income Calls in the National Police and has modified the 1989 regulations that developed the Regulation of Income, Training, Promotion and Development of
Officials of the National Police Body.

Specifically, the controversial orthography examination, which had been denounced on multiple occasions by the Unified Police Union (SUP) and the Spanish Confederation of Police (CEP).

In fact, in 2017, the Ministry of the Interior annulled this test given its complexity, since the examination was consisted of a hundred words, including some in disuse as “yuyo”, “champurrera” or “diunvirate”.

A decision that was adopted after the complaints received by the aspirants to occupy one of the places of the basic police scale that were examined of this test, which consisted of correcting in eight minutes what words of a list of a hundred were well written and which

As reported in a statement, the General Directorate of the Police, this update will entail a “more efficient” selection based on the principles of merit, capacity, advertising, transparency, objectivity and legal certainty through a questionnaire of questions related to the function
Police that is determined in the call.

The Court will be responsible for preparing the set of issues for each of the matters framed in the areas of legal, social and technical-scientific sciences and general knowledge and foreign language.

In addition, they will be the bases of the call that will determine the maximum number of aspirants suitable in the knowledge test, which will coincide with the best grades obtained, ordered from highest to lower.

Finally, the voluntary language will be maintained in accessing the category of Inspector by free opposition, other than that chosen in the knowledge test, with which the valuation of the second language domain will continue to increase the final grade once the process has been exceeded