Hundreds of people have given this Wednesday the last goodbye to Esther López, 35, who disappeared on January 12 and was found dead in a gutter on February 5 in transpinedo (Valladolid), his residence location, in which
The funeral has been officiated.

Parents and other members of the Esther family have gone to the Mass, in which there have been visible moments of pain of the relatives and in which a victim cousin has read an emotional letter at the end of the Eucharist, in
The one that one of the co-officents has made a writing sent by the Archbishop of Valladolid, Ricardo Blázquez.

It has been shortly after 12.20 hours when the coffin has arrived with the mortal remains, in the midst of a respectful silence of the hundreds of people who awaited at the doors of the Tardogetic Church of San Martín de Tours.

Several crowns of flowers, distributed in three funeral vehicles, have shown the feeling of family, friends and acquaintances of Esther, with different messages, among which was the phrase “with love your parents and your sister”.

After a prayer of the parish priest, Antonio da Silva, on the outskirts of the temple, four hundred people, part of them standing, have remained inside the church, where the Esther López Cereter has been located during the Eucharist with
A photograph at the top, framed in white, that remembered his face.

The parish priest has read a letter sent by Cardinal Blázquez, who has sent a hug to Esther’s parents through writing, in which he has highlighted the integrity, suffering and expectation with which the father of the deceased has lived
These days the moments of his disappearance.

He has also cited the proximity to Esther’s family shown by transpinedo and the unity of all around his suffering.

BLÁZQUEZ has underlined the consolation of Hope Cristina for the most close to the deceased and has sent them “a greeting of peace in the Lord.”

One of the most emotional moments of the religious ceremony has developed when a premium of Esther has read a few words with which he wanted to dismiss her from the way he “deserves”, as a premium and friend, living the most important moments of their lives

He has remembered how they shared hours of games, weekends that were going hiking with the Chispi dog that always accompanied them, moments on the beach, study of the baccalaureate and coexistence in the first years of university, among other experiences, always ”
Together and happy “.

It has been aimed at Esther to manifest that he was an expert in distributing what he had, especially his heart, he mentioned that he was “supercilussed” with meeting his future niece and he has assured that they will be responsible for the girl to know his “Great Aunt

He has remembered what the deceased wanted other family members and has highlighted that, to those who most wanted by far from his parents, along with his sister.

The young woman has recognized that the family is desolate and has stressed that, when they speak of her, they will do it with a big smile, like the one that always had Esther.

“Always in our hearts, the girl of the infinite smile, Esther,” has concluded the deceaseous cousin, after which the funeral attendees have begun to applaud, some applause that have been repeated at the doors of the temple, when it has come out
The coffin to address the cemetery of the town, so that the mortal remains receive burial.

Among the authorities that have come to the sepeller, were the subdelegate of the Government in Valladolid, Emilio Álvarez, the mayor of Traspinedo, Javier Fernández, the territorial delegate of the Board, Augusto Cobos, and the President of the Provincial Council, Conrado Irish.

Also during this day, the investigations continue to try to know the reason for the death of Esther Lopez and know if he could miss accidentally or by other causes.