The photo of Boris Johnson together to two members of his team and a bottle of champagne at a party held on December 15, 2020 at Downing Street has reactivated the “Partygate” scandal and has forced the “Premier” to defend against the
New accusations in Parliament.

The photo published by The Daily Mirror supposedly fists between the 300 images contributed by the High Sue Gany Sue Gray to the police investigation.
Johnson alleged, however, before the parliament that the party in question was exempted by Gray itself and is not being investigated by the police.

Downing Street reported that Johnson had participated “virtually” at the feast of questions and answers (“Quiz Party”) held on the days prior to Christmas from 2020, with the country subject to severe restrictions on Covid.

In another previous photo you could see the “Premier” interacting with your staff through the computer screen.
In the image spread by the Daily Mirror, he appears nevertheless with a man and a woman, in the midst of what he looks like a celebration and with a bottle of champagne in the foreground.

“That event has already been submitted to research,” Johnson said in his weekly appearance and before the questions of the Labor Opposition.
The “Premier” was referred to the Gray Report Conclusions, where that celebration is effectively among the incidents that the high official considers that they do not deserve to be investigated by the police.

The publication of the photos in The Daily Mirror has reactivated the requests for the full publication of the Gray report, which was condensed at the end in twelve pages and with the omissions of the names and the evidence presented to Scotland Yard, which requested an “interference
Minimum “in police investigation.

Johnson promised to publish “everything that Sue Gray” me “as soon as the police conclude his investigation, focused on 12 parties with the personal assistance of the” Premier “at least three of them.

“There are still better photos for publishing, including some in the” Premier “apartment,” said former Dominic Cummings strategist, in reference to the supposed “Victory Festival” with which Carrie Johnson’s team celebrated its
resignation in November 2020.