Several months ago Rocío Flores (25) began to become a series of aesthetic retouching that, for now, have culminated with a chest operation.
Without notifying that I was going to do it, the news transcended once the young woman was already at home, she was herself who told her Instagram followers that, indeed, had undergone an intervention and who was already at home recovering
of surgery.

After a few more disappeared days of the universe 2.0 that in usual, the granddaughter of Rocío Jurado has returned over high with a photograph in which, in addition to presuming scotties, it gives some closer clues about its operation.
“First dress that I put after the operation and although it is not yet the definitive result of my chest you can not imagine the joy I felt. (I still can not get anything without the bra who put me after the operation I just took it away for the

Although there are many who point out that the intervention has been to increase carving, the truth is that dew itself has not said anything about it.
A few weeks ago, in the gathering of the Ana Rosa program and after undergoing retouching without surgery to modify some factions of her face, the daughter of Rocío Carrasco explained the reasons for her.
She said then that, after losing a lot of weight in recent months, she had begun a series of interventions to balance her figure.
It seems imminent around the girl’s turn to television, where she surely addresses with the same sincerity the details of this last physical change.

Rocío lives in Malaga with her boyfriend, Manuel Bedmar.
Although after its passage through survivors and their signing for Telecinco it seemed that the young woman could settle in the capital, the niece of Gloria Camila has proven to be as homemade and family as he assured and it seems that he has no intention of getting away from what about today’s date
It is your home.
Little matter if her father has separated from Olga Moreno or if her friendship with Marta Riesco has been damaged after the relationship she maintains or maintained her’s program with her father Antonio David.