To María Jesús Montero did not like it at all that, just a few weeks before knowing the conclusions of its group of experts, United can have submitted a fiscal proposal that includes a tax rate amounting to 30,000 million euros.
“The irruption would qualify as inopportune”, the Minister of Finance has pointed out on Wednesday.

“The logical thing was to wait for the document of the experts,” Montero has continued, who has criticized the measure of we can in up to twice: “I would have preferred that the document of the experts would have been expected”;
And “it is not convenient to discuss in parallel,” he said in statements made to 1.

In this way, Montero has learned his discomfort with the fact that a part of the government is carrying out his own fiscal works, thus invading his area and ahead of the group’s conclusions that she created.

Experts must deliver their proposals at the end of this month, and then the Government will be given “the time it needs to study” the document, explained Montero.
The text, in any case, will be very in line with what you want to do and the government, not in vain the minister placed people from the total confidence of it in key positions.

In the absence of the full report, within the group of measures have been discussed, such as the harmonization of heritage taxes and successions and donations, or the application of environmental rates that include the rise of figures that tax fuels

As previous measures, the Community of Madrid, which Montero has repeatedly accused of incurrence of tax dumping for boning taxes, has already tried the Law on Fiscal Autonomy.
The objective is to try to prevent Treasury to force a harmonization, but from the ministry itself they point out that this measure of Díaz Ayuso executive has little travele.

“The taxes assigned are that, assigned,” explain in Finance, alluding to the fact that the last power over those figures falls into the state.

Between the extent we can presented last Monday, the creation of a state tax is included that severe the empty housing, in order to motivate that go to the rental market, deploy a new tribute that severe foods of poor nutritional quality, a new framework
Green taxation and expand the list of food and non-alcoholic beverages at the type of super-reduced VAT of 4%.

The purple training recovers its proposal to create a new tax on the great fortunes, to replace the current tribute to heritage, which would focus on fortunes from one million euros, with an exemption by habitual housing of 400,000 euros and that would not be
Bonifiable by the Autonomous Communities.

To this is added a surcharge of 10% in the type of corporation tax to electricity companies for a minimum period of five years, with the possibility of extension, and whose collection (about 1,500 million) would be used to redirerate the receipt of light
Consumers, Inform Europe Press.